Our students are Masters and Experts of Logical Thinking

We have been informed about the results of the Logical Thinking Contest which took place on March 9, 2018. Several dozen of the year 2 – 7 primary school and secondary school students enrolled in the contest. Participants divided into three levels were given 60 minutes to struggle with numerous tasks and puzzles.

Nine of our students were awarded the title of the Master of Logical Thinking (Laureate of the Competition). They were ranked in the nationwide contest adequately to their level:

Jan Migacz (3rd  place),
Igor Eichler (7th  place
Emilia Waszkielewicz (2nd  place),
Jakub Migacz (3rd  place),
Maciej Grodziński (5th place),
Michał Przybył (6th place),
Oleg Klieshchevnikov (8th place),
Olgierd Zygmunt (8th place),
Maciej Laszczak (8th place).

Among the contestants there are also the Experts of Logical Thinking
(Distinction in the contest):
Maksymilian Siekliński (11th place),
Mateusz Mazurek (12th place),
Joanna Pielichowska (12th place),
Maciej Kuczkowski (13th place),
Jacek Piątek (15th place),
Natalia Sielska (15th place),
Aleksander Michna (11th place),),
Adam Węgrzyn (12th place),
Maja Kieliszczyk (14th place),
Filip Bojara (15th place).

Hearty Congratulations!

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