On November 25th we celebrated the World Teddy Bear Day at the school library. On this occasion our zero grade classes took part in the 119th Teddy Bear Birthday Party.

During the activities students got to know the real Story of a Teddy Bear through the Kamishibai method in a butai theater box. Author’s library puzzles were used for group reading fun. The heroes of the puzzles were: Teddy Bear, Teddy Uszatek, Paddington Bear, Winnie the Pooh, Coralgol and Yogi Bear. It was a special, teddy bear time!

On November 25th grade 2c also celebrated World Teddy Bear Day. There was no shortage of cuddly bears. During the class, the 2c students learned about the history of the origin of this day, who Theodore Roosevelt was and what he had in common with a teddy bear. The 2c students also discovered new species of bears, learned the bear dance, and perfected the art of drawing. There was also teddy bear sudoku.

In the library we also prepared an exhibition called “Teddy Bearland,” which included bestsellers of Polish and world literature to borrow.

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